Overdue Books


Iro kunda coverIro kunda: managing without unions



It is a popular misconception that most Canadian workers belong to a union.


In fact, just over thirty percent of employees in this country are represented by 622 unions.


Unions are actively competing with each other for the right to represent the remaining seventy percent of the workforce (over eight million people!).


If your business was facing six hundred competitors, you would be concerned. You would find ways to protect your customer base.


A union is a business. You are their competition. Your employees are potential union customers.


The odds are your establishment will, at some point, face a union organizing campaign. Your goal is for the union to be unsuccessful.









A comprehensive guide for business owners and managers who want to remain nonunion. Included are details on:




iro (ai rou)                  Industrial Relations Officer - a middle manager responsible for matters relating to a unionized workforce.


kunda (kuun daa)      n. a place or living area. From the West African Mandinka language.


Iro kunda                  the manager’s house